>From: Brian Boles -- Applications >Subject: Is a moderator listening? > >Hello from Microchip! As the commercial vendor of the stuff this >list concerns, I would like to ask your permission to make some >postings to this list. Please respond to bboles@microchip.com Well, *I'm* pretty moderate at times. I think you should post away with abandon! It'd be nice if you didn't flood the list with marketing BS, since we all pretty much know that stuff already. Full text of every magazine ad you're running, etc, is Right Out. Technical discussion, new product announcements, responses to bug reports, general state of the business, etc, would all be welcome. Tom Mornini from Parallax is here, as are a number of other commercial vendors. After all, quite a bunch of us here are using these things to create products, make money and become good little capitalists. :-) If you wanted to talk about EEPROMs, weird little battery chips, Basic Stamps or anything else small-system-related, we're the sorts who'd enjoy it. We don't have a moderator; Jory Bell maintains the list, but any old bozo can post to it. And there *have* been a few..... forbesm@peak.org Mark G. Forbes "Never ascribe to malice that which can be blamed on the engineer."