Russ wrote ... > WHAT I NEED FROM YOU PEOPLE is: > Information about the current 16c84 windows help file; I can't link my help > file to it, as I don't have the contextID numbers for it. Does anyone out > there have the original rtf and hpj files for PIC16c84.HLP? > > What monitors would you like to see? Source window with ORIGINAL source and NOT the listfile source, because you know the original .asm file better than the (expanded) listfile. Data memory window with EEPROM data and program memory window as well. Display data in hex/oct/dec ... Stack, Status and other special registers window. Own registers window (compose your own mix of registers) If possible, also edit capability in any window. > How do you want to interact with a PIC simulator, what would be useful? All execution steps will take place and be shown in the source window. Use function keys to execute, go to, step, step over ... Some sort of language to simulate external devices such as I2C devices, leds, displays, ... Example: If you put register "PBD" to portb, then a user defined routine will set related input pins to new values according to PBD. The language may have capabilities such as memory storage, loops, simple arithmetics and timers. It doesn't have to be a new C++ language but a simple but most useful external simulation feature. > Where can I upload a copy of the current version of PICsim? Well, why don't you check out <-- This looks like the most up-to-date ftp. > I know that fully supporting MPASM standard PIC assembler is really essential > for this kind of package, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to fully support > all the directives (eg MARCROs), but after I have completed the project for > assessment (I am writing the simulator as my final year computing degree > project), if there is sufficient interest/money/vodka from you guys & gals, I > will continue working on it. Shareware would be fine. We (all?) will support your work. (if Microchip doesn't work a little more with MPSIM of course). ------------------------------- Conny Andersson / LiTH