> I also thought of implementing a DTMF decoder with the '71 (with the built > in A/D). I soon realized that the limited ram on these chips severely > restricts the resolution of any FFT program. > > You may want to use a PIC controlled bandpass filter and sweep > the pass band around. Have the PIC output a frequency that is multiplied > by the incoming signal using a 4 quadrant multiplier. Low pass filter the > output of the multiplier and peak detect the result. This can serve > as the amplitude of your signal. > Edward, Thank you for the suggestion. I did a little more reading about the digital filter routines written for the 17c, and I began to realize that I don't have a hope in digitally processing above 5 kHz. As a result, I'll have to do some off pic work. I like your idea of controlling a bandpass filter with the pic. This sounds like a really good method to do what I want. Yours, -- Derrick Early early@finite.nrl.navy.mil