>From: Derrick Early >Maybe I should do this with an analog circuit. :( I'm not sure if a 20 MHz I also thought of implementing a DTMF decoder with the '71 (with the built in A/D). I soon realized that the limited ram on these chips severely restricts the resolution of any FFT program. You may want to use a PIC controlled bandpass filter and sweep the pass band around. Have the PIC output a frequency that is multiplied by the incoming signal using a 4 quadrant multiplier. Low pass filter the output of the multiplier and peak detect the result. This can serve as the amplitude of your signal. +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Edward Cheung, Ph.D. | The opinions expressed herein | |Satellite Servicing Robotics Laboratory| do not necessarily reflect | | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | those of my employers' | | Code 714.1, Bldg T11B | | | Greenbelt, MD 20771 | | | 301-286-1269(office) 286-1717(fax) | My next book: | | Internet: oadebc@robots.gsfc.nasa.gov | Statistics, Demos and Other Lies | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+