> > Why don't you calculate the integral: > T > / 2 1/2 > ( 1/(2T) * / x (t) dt ) > / > -T > You can approximate this integral with a sum. The T is a multiple of one > period.There may be some problems with the root but you could solve this with a > lookup table. If you want, you can store a couple of squared x:s and "recycle" > them to create a moving rms process (You might need a lot of RAM to store > one period of data.) > --------------------------- > Conny Andersson / LiTH > Hi Conny, OK, this will give me an rms for all frequencies, but I would like to know the rms for discrete frequency bands. Maybe I should do this with an analog circuit. :( I'm not sure if a 20 MHz pic has the muscle to tackle this problem. Thank you for your interest. Yours, -- Derrick Early early@finite.nrl.navy.mil