I want to thank all the people who sent responses to my request for solving the Steinhart-Hart equation. There certainly is a consensus out there for the lookup table idea. After reading all the suggestions, I would be foolish to do it any other way. I've been thinking more about my application, and for what I want to do, it seems that I can implement this loop with only the knowledge of what the voltage is on the bridge. This voltage is read by the AD7714 (A/D converter, the output of which is converted to a serial word) and if it is not zero (a balanced bridge), then I can create a correction signal according to the size of the error (proportional plus integral controller), and apply or reduce the heat until the thermistor bridge is again balanced. During all this, I don't really need to know the number of degrees that the thermistor is off from the setpoint, I just need to know the bridge voltage and take the necessary action to bring it back into balance. We want the number of degrees of error for design/development/diagnostic purposes as we characterize the oven, the controller hardware, and the software algorithm. We are still able to do this in the lab using table top computers running BASIC. But for the PIC implementation, all we want is for that bridge to balance and for the loop dynamic characteristics to be what we specify. So using a lookup table and simpler integer arithmetic is certainly the way to go. Thanks again for the help and the good ideas and pointers to the various utilities and methods that all you bright designers have already thought about in great detail! Jim Johnson jjohnson@hpl.hp.com