Hey everyone. "I've left my databook at home so I can't order up." I'm wanting to order some of these nifty little Panasonic voltage detectors I see in the Digi-Key catalog to see how they work with the PICs. What I can't remember though is the polarity of the reset line on the PIC. I believe that it is active LOW? Meaning - when the line is low, the pic is in a reset state - right? When it is HIGH, the PIC comes to life - can you clarify this for me so I can place the order. If you like, I'll tell you all how they work. BTW, they are less expensive than the Econo-resets we've talked about before. They are only 80 cents in quantities of one, 72 cents for 10, and 54 cents for quantities of 100 or more. Oh, and any suggestions on the detection voltage I should use? My regulator is 5V so I think I'm going with the 4.2 to 4.5 volts. I COULD use the 4.6 to 4.9 but I don't want my PIC resetting everytime I turn on a fan..... Anyway, your help will be GREATLY appreciated...!!! -- -- Paul Greenwood -- (pablo@austin.ibm.com) Cinemuck, n.: The combination of popcorn, soda, and melted chocolate which covers the floors of movie theaters. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"