I've used a BUK553-100B logic level power mosfet manufactured by Philips Semiconductors for switching from PICs - however its Rds(on) is about 0.22 ohms - higher than requested. You could try; Device Rds(on) Id Vds Package Manuf. STP50N05L 0.028 50A 50V TO220 SGS Thomson BUK556-60H 0.02 60A 60V TO220 Philips Semiconductors BUK106-50L 0.035 50A 50V SOT-263 Philips Semiconductors You could drive these via a 470R resistor from a PIC port pin. The resistor should protect the PIC from any capactively coupled spikes on the gate when switching large currents. Unfortunately, as you want an Rds(on) < 0.03 ohms the Id capability tends to be large and consequently the gate capacitance is also large. This means the turn on will be very 'leisurely'. The BUK106 might be useful as it is temperature & overload protected and has an output pin to flag a fault condition. Hope this is useful, Sean Hagan --------------------------------------- BIME (Bath Institute of Medical Engineering) bime@bath.ac.uk ---------------------------------------