Lance, Don't worry about it! I for one *Don't Mind* getting PIC related "adds" like your surplus.txt. Saved me the trouble of FTPing it. And I don't think you guys are two-faced. You made it clear. Schools get it free, the rest of us can pick up some stuff cheap. Sounds good to me. ===================================================================== * --jorge * That which does not kill us, makes us strong. Nietzsche.* ===================================================================== On Sun, 5 Feb 1995, Lance Walley wrote: > Oh, my! I really have blown it... > > I apologize profusely for posting our surplus.txt file to the list. I did > post a short message about the text file, and asked interested parties to > ftp it from our site. I also sent complete copies of the text file to > those who had already shown interest. What I didn't check carefully was > that some of those people had the list address as their return address. > Although I seem to stumble over the commercial line now and then, even I > wouldn't expect everyone to accept a multi-page posting such as that. > > When I came in Sunday morning and found several "duplicate" messages > returned by the listserver, I knew I'd done something wrong. And I had > just learned how to make a multiple-recipient nickname - Darn!. > > One member felt that we were two-faced, first offering the tools free to > educators, then deciding to hold off until April 1st to have a "sale." > Actually, the sale idea was instituted before the give-away idea, as some > will see in ads next month. We do have money tied up in these tools, and > we must recoup what we can. However, the interest from schools has been > much stronger than paying customers. In the end, I think most of the > inventory (70%-80%) will indeed go to schools and other non-profit > entities. > > I'll expect some flaming :(... > > > ------------------------ Lance Walley --------------------------- > Parallax, Inc. >