[regarding RC networks and the like] You've probably heard it before, but I'll say it again: The best single book on electronics (as practiced by folks like us) is The Art of Electronics, by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. I've read a lot of books on electronics and designed a lot of products, and this covers most everything in enough detail to get you going. The Art of Electronics Horowitz & Hill Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-37095-7 Winfield Hill can be reached on the Internet, hill@rowland.org. This book begins with "What's a resistor", progresses through capacitors and inductors, transistors, ICs, etc......and by the end there's state machines, CPUs, micropower design, sensor interfacing and the like. There's a bare minimum of heavy math, replaced instead by good *intuitive* descriptions of what the parts are doing. It even covers power-on-reset circuits! :-) GO to the bookstore. BUY the book. SET it on the toilet tank. READ a chapter on each visit. You'll be an electronics guru in thirty days. Or maybe less, depending on your diet. :-) forbesm@csos.orst.edu Mark G. Forbes