> Why, pray tell, do you reduce Vdd to 3 volts and then increase back to 5V? > And by what means? > > - JohnR I can't remember if I answered this already so here goes (again). I have a regulator on my board and a big capacitor (10uF) to keep out noise, spikes, etc. Well, I plug in my device, the cap. charges to 5V quickly. When I unplug the device, the cap. takes forever to discharge because the PICs use so little power. The problem is that the device seems to not work if - say, it's plugged from one computer to another or the cable is lengthened or for whatever reason I unplug and replug the device. I've been shorting out Vdd and Gnd every time so Vdd will start from 0V but I'd like a better solution. -- -- Paul Greenwood -- (pablo@austin.ibm.com) All true wisdom is found on T-shirts.