Scott Colson wrote: > What >was really strange is that some LEDs I have hooked up to I/O lines for status >started blinking slowly and then extinguished. I reset the circuit again and >it operated correctly except for the 9600 baud comm line. Hmmm, sounds vaguely like a problem I had with a prototype recently: I added a bargraph display, and didn't realize that the display driver was turning all the LEDs on momentarily during reset. Everything worked fine, because the display was a "moving dot", the normal current drain was well within the limits of even the little TeenyO-92 voltage regulator I was using, and the turn-on surge was just barely "in bounds". Until I added a couple more chips: then the current surge at start-up caused enough of a voltage drop that the display driver never came out of reset, all the LEDs *stayed* on, and Vcc wound up around 3.5V. Unfortunately, I wasn't using 3.3V parts... See if your power supply is being overtaxed: maybe Vcc isn't rising fast enough for everybody to "snap to attention" and reset cleanly. Ran