Hook your reset button to both the MCLR and a input port, then just check the pi n on startup. Steve ---------------Original Message--------------- Hello, I'm using the PIC 16C84 in a control application, and since the software is yet a bit unstable, I have added a RESET button to let the user (that is, me) restart the program when it has lost track of what is happening. I don't use the WDT for this since the control program is actually running. It has only missed a few input signals that makes it out of phase. When the program starts, it has to initialize a few other components (an LCD and also some mechanical units), which takes a few seconds. What I want to do is to detect after a reset if the reset is due to me pressing the button (connected to the MCLR pin), or due to power-up. If I could only change the TO or PD bits in the status register, this would be a simple task, but since I can't I don't know how to do this. Any suggestions? (please don't ask me to fix the program... I'm trying to!) Thanks, Staffan ----------End of Original Message----------