My apologies if the list receives this twice. > John Johnson Team OS/2 member | | John, It's nice to see positive responses about my company's products. > Very little code mod was necessary in my xlinx I assume you are using our FM24C04. This should be completely drop-in compatible with EEPROM I2C 24C04 parts. I am very curious to know exactly what changes were necessary. Were the code changes only to take advantage of the fast write time of FRAM? > I put them to the test overnight and only had 4 > read back errors after 5mil r/w cycles. I realize that this may be good performance for a(n) EEPROM, but you should see ZERO errors in 10 billion cycles with our FRAM products. I'd like to know the details of how you are accessing the FM24C04 (temp, reading/writing pattern, voltage, etc.). Are the 4 errors you've seen hard errors or soft errors? I'll forward your info to our QA department; they're very interested in your experience. CONTACT INFO: NEW!!!! Email: (Since this is new: if there are problems, please bear with us.) Ramtron International Corporation 1850 Ramtron Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (800) 545-FRAM (719) 481-7000 Fax: (719) 488-9095 We're working on anonymous ftp access for our data sheets etc. Right now, the best way to get information is to e-mail or call and ask for our data book. Greg Smith Design Engineer Ramtron Int'l Corp