I heard these just went into sample(call MicroChip today). Has anyone gotten ahold of one to play with? I really want to see how well the UART on it works... Also 4K of eprom! 2K is too little on the 64 i think. The 64 can do so much but with only 2K you can exploit only a little of it :( later John _____________________________________________________________________________ John Johnson |If it's not OS/2.|johnsonj@utdallas.edu |It's crap! |johnsonj@ghostwheel.bga.com OOOO SSSS /2222 2222 11 | | O O S / 2 2 1 |"We need breath- |"Bite me." Tom Servo O O SSSS / 2222 2222 1 |-ing room!" | O O S / 2 2 .. 1 | Bill Gates |"I want to decide who lives OOOO SSSS/ 2222 2222 .. 111| |and who dies" Crow T. Robot -----------------------------------------------------------------------------