I thought I had settled on the Parallax one, but I found out that there's a Microchip seminar coming to town [...] The seminar is excellent and I'll admit that if you consider the two programmers equal, you get better value buying the picstart, especially at the seminar. Here in Albuquerque it was an even better deal -- the PICSTART was US$99, and the seminar was free! I have the parallax, and I tend to prefer it. Here are some opinions. Others may differ. In Favor Of Parallax: 1. I like the parallax pseudo "8051-like" instruction set. Parallax's assembler will work with native instructions as well, so you're not stuck. 2. Their examples are simple and easy to follow, software is well documented and easy to use, you're up and running in no time. Book is excellent. 3. Programmer remembers fuse settings. 4. Can assemble native code from Microchip's assembler. Microchip's assembler doesn't grok the Parallax pseudo instructions, though it's probably possible with macros. In Favor Of PICSTART: 1. Both the assembler and the simulator are more sophisticated. Harder to get used to but definitely more capable once you get going. 2. Assembler can accept more file formats, if you care. 3. Has a ZIF socket. Parallax uses LIF which is not as nice. 4. Comes with product samples to play with, worth $$$. Other Info: 1. Parallax uses parallel PC port, PICSTART uses serial. You could probably use PICSTART from Linux with the DOS emulator, but you can't do that with the parallax since the DOS emulator doesn't support the parallel port. Well that's all that comes to mind right now. Generally I'd say if you're a beginner you'll want the Parallax cuz it's got the easiest learning curve. If you're an advanced Microchip hacker, you may want the better simulator and assembler in the PICSTART. I'd say if you're that hardcore, get both kits. They're cheep! David