what do people here use/suggest for external (serial) memory. we have an application requiring approximately 100Kbytes of non- volatile memory in a low-power sensing/data-logging unit. battery backed sram, eeprom... flash? -jory bell jory@mit.edu on a list administrivia note (which will seem more towards the trivial for experienced listserv users): when i added all the "old" list members to the new list, the listserv wanted to make "names" for everyone, so pretty much everyone got names "pic user". in order to let the server properly label your mail wth your correct name, you can send a message to: listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with message body as follows: register you don't have to mention your email address or anything, since the server software will see that from your mail. having the server know your "real" name is not a big deal, but it lets other list recipients see who a message is from (especially if their mail software shows only the real name, and not the email address). finally/also, if you are getting "acknoledgement" email from the list server when you send a message, you can send a message to the listserver (same address as above) with the body: set noack you can send both commands ("register " and "set noack") on separate lines in the same message. hope this helps ome people. feel free to send me comments on/about the list. especially and issues pertaining to the changeover to the new server.