Derrick Early asked: > I'm curious to know if I'm using the right assembler for the pic 16c64. > Presently, I'm using the MPASM Assembler for PIC16/17, version 1.15. > I saw some notes about another assembler that I didn't know was available. > This caused me to wonder if I am using the best tool. Does someone have > a list of assemblers? What assemblers are you using? ASPIC, available as shareware from several ftp sites, Microchip BBS, and the author's support BBS ((604) 597-3479), is 5 to 20 times faster than MPALC or MPASM. It's powerful features allow considerable code compression, since they make complex constructs much more maintainable. It has some unique features such as character set translation, automatic register bank management, text packing, true bit labels, full support for IDE's like Brief, Codewrite, Winedit and Multiedit (even with multi-file projects). It also works properly in makefiles, supports environment variables, allows fuse and EEPROM data definition, automatically generates RETLW tables, and more. A complete working source code is provided as a code framework. It is called DEMO.ZIP, and it is the complete source of a pocket logic analyzer with LCD, KEYBOARD, etc. (Registered users also get the schematics and block diagram). Sorry if that sounded a bit biased, but I actually did try to use restraint. -Don Lekei (author of ASPIC) LEKEI on Microchip's BBS