Hello! I wrote to pic@figment this week concerning my problems getting a PIC16c84 to run a program. I have now got the oscillator running, but it won't run a program. The problem could be anywhere, as I wrote my own compiler and serial programmer on a BBC Micro. I've checked the program code against the data sheet from Microchip, and set up the configuration register to &1A ie WDT off, PWRT on, code protect off, HS osc. I set the reset vector to 2805H ie GOTO 5 My code starts at location 5 (I hope) The first prog I wrote was: 0005 SLEEP 0063H When turned on, the PIC did not sleep. Port A pins went high, Port B stayed low. The oscillator ran continously. The other test prog was: 0005 MOVLW 0 3000H 0006 TRIS 5 0065H 0007 MOVLW FFH 30FFH 0008 MOVWF 5 0085H 0009 CLRW 0100H 000A MOVWF 5 0085H 000B GOTO 7 2807H ie. set TRIS A = 0 - all outputs Port A = &FF - all high Port A = 0 - all low repeat ad nauseam or until you feel sick... Same symptoms on running as last program. It is my feeling that I've not set up an important register or am not programming from location 0. Data is being verified correctly, so programming is correct. Below is the command structure I used to program locations. COMMAND DATA 000010 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 ie. program data * 2 delay 001000 delay 000100 data read back is correct 000110 I no longer have access to the programming spec ie. the serial comm stuff, but if anyone does have it, could they E-mail it to me or fax it to 071-225-2309 (attn. STOIC). I'd be eternally grateful, and might even write and say thanks.... I do have the data sheet by Microchip (DS30081A). If anyone has any ideas why this chip might not be running a program, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks in advance... Bryan PS I'm working with Alan Barnett, if the double requests cause confusion.... -- --------------------------------- BRYAN CROTAZ - b.crotaz@ic.ac.uk --------------------------------- TECHNICAL MANAGER Student Television Of Imperial College Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BB Tel. 071-594-8104 Fax. 071-225-2309 attn. STOIC