On Wed, 13 Jul 1994, Ben Stuyts wrote: > Is there an easy way to connect a PIC to a 68000? Preferably memory mapped. > The only way I can think of is putting a PIA like a 6820/68230 or a UART > like 6850/68901 in between. The serial solution is probably too slow, as I > need at least 20 KB/s data transfer. > What about a simple 2 line modified serial interface. Use one line to clock data and one line for the data bit. I use that to commuicate on all of my PICs. In short it hauls ass. but I have never had an application where i had to get 20KB/s of data and send it. If any place thats where you will loose your performace. later John _____________________________________________________________________________ John Johnson |If it's not OS/2.|johnsonj@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu |It's crap! |johnsonj@ghostwheel.bga.com OOOO SSSS /2222 2222 11 | | O O S / 2 2 1 |"We need breath- |"Bite me." Tom Servo O O SSSS / 2222 2222 1 |-ing room!" | O O S / 2 2 .. 1 | Bill Gates |"I want to decide who lives OOOO SSSS/ 2222 2222 .. 111| |and who dies" Crow T. Robot -----------------------------------------------------------------------------