I'm also interested in the protection scheme for PIC chips, and how it can be broken. However, I'm on the other side... how do I read out a secured PIC chip? If anyone can offer me details, I'd be most estatic and thankful! Also, does anyone have a build-it-yourself schematic for a PIC 16C54 programmer? I have the 16C84 one. Thanks. Jason |\\| Jason Miller |//| jmdk@cmu.edu CALL (412)/325-2036 |//| Mathematics/Information Systems |\\| jcm@sei.cmu.edu PAGE (800)/901-0840 |\\| Carnegie Mellon University |//| dyn@cs.cmu.edu FAX (412)/268-5758 --- In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we are taught.