Hi, I bought the PIC C compiler from CCS (The guy in Milwaukee) thinking it would make programming 16c5x's even easier. (I also have the Parallax PGM & EMU) And reallly I can only say positive things about the compiler. It is a simple TurboVision app, and truly easy to use and convenient. So I have a question for anyone who may also be using this compiler. I am using the serial library to do printf()'s getchar()'s etc, and of course the code works fine when I use an RS232 chip, but I would like to take the signal directly off the PICs pin. The problem with this is that I need to send the complement of each bit if I do it that way. I could use a 7404, but then I might as well use an RS232 chip. Does anyone know how to change how the serial library works so I can do it this way? TIA --Jason