Just a quick note for anybody (like me 8-) just starting out with the PIC16C84.. Microchip seem to have written the '84 data sheet with the assumption that the reader will already be very familer with the PIC family. Many things are taken for granted such as what the various oscillator types are and how they differ. Fortunatly these things are explained in more detail in the data sheet for the PIC 16C71. So, my advice is, read the '84 data sheet in conjunction with the '71 data sheet! Maybe this is FAQ material? Hope that helps! Rafe ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rafe Aldridge - rca@sirius.tn.rl.ac.uk R65, Rutherford Appleton Lab, wwWWww Chilton, Oxon, OX11 OQX, UK. o o ------------------------------------------------ooO--(__)--Ooo--