Finally finished chicken coop.
They have a safe and warm home!
Newly painted coop. Grapes are
starting to grow!
Side view of coop, looking
toward eating area. The bar in front of the coop
allows for the chickens to perch
and enjoy the view on their front "porch"
A view inside the chicken run
behind the garage. The baby ducklings are
enjoying this space too (the
little brown birds in the pic) and love to swim in their
temporary pool -- the black tray
in the foreground.
Inside view of coop with opened
doors to show how the nesting boxes are set up.
There are two levels of roosts,
allowing for the hens to hop them as
ladders to get to the
nesting boxes. The burlap curtains on the windows
can be rolled up or rolled down depending on the weather.
Another inside view.
Peggoty looks ready to lay an egg.
View with doors closed and one
curtain rolled up.
The nesting boxes are built into
the garage, allowing for easy access.
This is view of the back of the
nesting boxes as seen from inside the garage.
Collecting the eggs!
Thanks ladies!
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