[Menu]>[Guide to use the PIC]>[873 Hardware]>[SFR]

SFR explanation for PIC16F873(8)

PIR2 ( Peripheral Interrupt register ) 0Dh
    This register contains the flag bits for the CCP2 interrupt, the SSP bus collision interrupt and the EEPROM write operation interrupt.
The value in the parenthesis is in the condition immediately after the turning on.

EEIF : EEPROM Write Operation Interrupt Flag
1:Write operation completed ( must be cleared in software )
0:Write operation is not complete or has not been started

BCLIF : Bus Collision Interrupt Flag
1:Bus Collision has occurred in the SSP, when configured for I2C master mode
0:No bus collision has occurred

CCP2IF : CCP2 Interrupt Flag
Capture Mode
1:TMR1 register capture occurred ( must be cleared in software )
0:No TMR1 register capture occurred

Compare Mode
1:TMR1 register compare match occurred ( must be cleared in software )
0:No TMR1 register compare match occurred

PWM Mode