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This modified box cooker has been labeled
high tech, because of its ability to follow the sun
under its own power. The design described here
is not that of a portable oven. Materials used are
durable and meant for many years of outdoors
The main features are:
- Pedestal mounted where the oven is at
counter height.
- Fixed tilt such that the collector does not
have to be adjusted for the time of year.
- Uses both mirrors and flat plate collector
to concentrate the sun's heat into the
cooking chamber.
- Natural air movement increases
convection cooking and warms the
cooking tray.
- Rotation about a fixed vertical axis
allows tracking of the sun during the day
by manual or automatic means.
- Capable of heavy food load.
Energy saving is best achieved when the solar device is used to its fullest extent, thus the design
of this oven is targeted for widespread use by those who demand convenience. This design requires no
attention during the day when cooking a large meal.
These instructions will provide a basic summery of the construction techniques for building a tracking
cooker of your own. There are many construction techniques that will produce the same results.