T H E   S X - D E V   H A R D W A R E  5 6 ² Reset, optional for external reset connection, not used by realtime module SX-TIPS can also be attached to 4-pin header, compatible with Parallax and TransData in-circuit programmers and emulators. Only pins 1-4 should be used in this case. Real-time module Real-time    module    connected    between    SX_TIPS    debugger/ programmer and target board and powered from the target board. Four  different  clock  sources  can  be  used  ²  DIP  14-pin  plastic  or metal   package   oscillator;   H&-49/U   case   or   compatible   crystal; ZTT/ZTA series or compatible ceramic oscillator or external clock source.    Please  ensure,  that  jumper  on  the  top  of  the  real-time module board installed according to the used clock source. Take the board with jumper on top, 6-pin connector on the left (as on the first photo). Than check/change jumper position, as described below: DIP 14-pin oscillator jumper on the left two pins External clock    jumper on the left two pins H&-49/U crystal jumper on the right two pins ZTT/ZTA ceramic oscillator jumper on the right two pins DIP 14-pin oscillator should be installed with the first pin on the right top corner of the board (as on the photo). Any frequency up to 100 MHz can be used (module can work till 120«150 MHz, however current SX chips not rated to this frequencies). Please take into account oscillator supply current - typical high-frequency oscillators usually draw 30«60 mA, this current will be drawn from the target board. External clock signal should be supplied with short wire on the left bottom receptacle of the DIP14 socket or to the middle pin of the 3-pin jumper header. Do not forget connect also ground wire (for example, to the right bottom receptacle), if ground of the external clock source is not the same, as at the target board ground. &MOS output for the external clock signal recommended, any frequency up to 100 MHz allowed. H&-49/U or compatible crystal should be installed to the two receptacles on the right bottom of the real-time module. Only fundamental crystals can be used. On-board generator optimized for high-frequency crystals ² most fundamental microprocessor-grade crystals from 1 MHz till 100 MHz can be used. Generator supply current depended from the crystal frequency and for most crystals will be in range 2«30 mA. ZTT/ZTA or compatible ceramic oscillator can also be used. Both 2-pin and 3-pin (with built-in capacitors) ceramic oscillators works well with on-board generator in range 1«50 MHz. &eramic oscillator should be installed  to  the  two  receptacles  on  the  right  bottom  of  the  real-time  module.  Generator  supply  current depended from the crystal frequency and for most ceramic oscillators will be in range 2«30 mA.