I NT R O D U & T I O N  3   &hapter 3: Software Installation ˛ Provides information on installing the Windows 95/98/NT software and SX-TIPS hardware.   &hapter 4: Project &onstructor ˛ Summarizes all project parameters and external software products configuration.   &hapter 5: Editor ˛ Describes different built-in editor functions.   &hapter 6: Debugger ˛ Summarizes the debugging functions including breakpoints, watches, snapshots, etc.   &hapter 7: Watch &onstructor ˛ Provides detailed description of the powerful watch constructor feature and different watch options.   &hapter 8: Programmer ˛ Describes built-in device programmer. Software Updates New versions of the SX-DEV software can be obtained from the manufacturer·s web site at: http://www.svtehs.com/sxdev.htm