P R O G R A M M E R  19 Programmer Built-in programmer described here. uilt-in programmer supports  all  features  of SX microcontrollers. Most options can be set in source file (see SASM manual for details). SX-TIPS programmer  allows  all  options manual change. Target  microcontroller  type  can be   changed   in   Device   field. Please   ensure,   that   you   enter right   microcontroller  type  (see &hapter 4 for details). Programmer    can    also    detect connected  microcontroller  type automatically, when Read function is performed. LoadHex  button  allow  Hex  file loading. INHX8M .hex file and Parallax  .sxh  Hex  file  formats supported. SaveHex button allow save hex file, read from the target SX. File will be saved in INHX8M format. Reload button will load the same file, as previously loaded with LoadHex button. This option is useful in debug applications. Built-in Hex editor allow manual change of program memory before programming SX microcontroller. This can be useful for hot on-the-fly code changes or some constants changing. &hapter B