Debug mode toolbar
In Debug mode additional toolbar and hot keys is available. Also in source and listing windows additional pop-
up menu with frequently used functions is available on right mouse click.
&lose Debug Session (ctrl+&). This key will close debug connection with SX microcontroller and return
to Edit mode.
Reset (F10). This key emulates hardware reset of the target SX microcontroller. During the Run or Walk
process, first Reset will do the same, as Stop function, second Reset will do hardware reset.
Snapshot (F11). This key allows interrupting microcontroller in Run mode for short time and updating all
register data on screen. Usually this helps to understand, what currently happens in the target microcontroller
and where user program executed. Please take into account, that program execution will be stopped for the
following time:
For SX18/28 ˛ about 200 ms
For SX48/52 ˛ about 500 ms
Data Injection is another useful feature of the Snapshot function. When SX microcontroller are in Run mode,
you can change one byte in FuncRegs or Banks window, or one variable up to 4 bytes in Watch window or
AS&II up to 16 symbols. These changes will be injected into target SX, when you press Snapshot button, and
data in the windows will be replaced with data loaded from target SX.
when you press Snapshot button next time, if target SX did not modify their values.
Stop (ctrl+F2). Stop execution of Run and Walk modes.
Run (F9). This key can activate different run modes, depended of Realtime module and Breakpoint/
Watchpoint settings.
If Realtime module not present or Real Time Run button switched off, SX-TIPS will clock target SX
microcontroller on the fixed speed about 170 kHz. When Realtime module present and Real Time Run button
switched on, target SX clock will be defined by user selectable clock source (see &hapter 2 for details).
If Breakpoint present, target SX will run on the defined speed till the Breakpoint, than user program execution
will be terminated and all register windows and watches will be updated with new content.
If Watchpoint present, target SX will run on the defined speed till the Watchpoint, than user program execution
will be interrupted on the same time, as in the Snapshot function execution, all register windows and watches
will be updated and user program execution continues.
If the target SX program did not pass through Breakpoint or Watchpoint, commands Stop, Reset or hardware
reset on the target board will help to stop target program execution.