Status bar in the bottom border divide into six fields. First field represent source file name, current cursor
position line and column displayed in second and third fields, program counter value displayed in fourth field
during Debug mode, SX device type set for the current project displayed in fifth field and messages displayed in
the last field.
To assemble program, choose Make/Assemble option from the drop-down menu or use (ctrl+F9) hotkey.
Listing window will be created after assembling. To put it in the front, use Windows/Listing option or (ctrl+L)
hotkey. If no errors detected during assembling, message ŽAssembling Successful” will be displayed in the
status bar, otherwise error code will be displayed and error line in the source window will be colored. If more
than one error or warnings detected, appropriate dialog window will be displayed.
In both Edit and Debug modes all cursor movements in source and listing windows are synchronized. When
you move cursor in the source window, appropriate listing fragment selected with color and vice versa.