P R O J E & T   & O N S T R U & T O R  8 5)  External  software  simulator  SXSIM can be used with MPASM for SX18/20/28 software simulation. Indicate    the    path    to    the    software simulator  and  necessary  command  line parameters.    See    SXSIM    manual    for details. 6) SX52 Full Registers Access checkbox install   full-featured   debug   driver   into SX48/52  target  microcontroller.  When this   checkbox   switched   on,   following SX48/52  resources  will  be  available  for debug    ˛    BANK_0,    Timer    &ontrol registers, &ompare and &apture registers, WKPND_B, &MP_B, PLP_A«E, TRIS_A«E  and  other  Mode  registers. Program memory addresses 0F00«0FFF   will   be   used   for   debug purposes  and  user  program  should  not use this addresses. When this checkbox switched off, only Special Function and Global registers 01«0F and bank 01«bank 0F data memory registers will be available for debug. Program memory addresses 0F7D«0FFF will be used for debug purposes and user program should not use this addresses. 7) SX28 &LK/4 (No Turbo) checkbox allow SX18/20/28 debug in PI&-compatible mode. In this mode each SX command used four OS&1 clocks, i.e. instruction rate is one-fourth of the clock rate. To finish project creation, press Save. If all necessary fields properly filled, Project &onstructor window will be closed, new project file will be created and program source window will be opened. All project configuration stored in .prj file. It has the following content: Source file name, watch file name (.wtc) Dimensions and place for all project windows for Edit and Debug modes Used fonts Target SX microcontroller Assembler and Simulator used, paths, command line parameters SX-DEV store in configuration file last 10 projects, quick access to this projects available in menu Project/ReOpen.