PCB for The Weeder Frequency Counter PIC 16F84 port by Peter Cousens

By Michael Sandvad [mss001 at hotmail,com]

Included in the .zip archive is the protel pcb file and .pdf file of the pcb i made. It also contains the schematic {for this version; less the preamp, etc... } and the component layout. The pcb is intended to be used with a led backlighted display and has a current limiting resistor for this (can be used with a non backlit display too). The pcb will fit on the back of a Powertip 16x1 character LCD, making the finished counter quite compact. I'm not sure if the holes fit other manufactures lcd modules.

Please note that the variable resistor (display contrast) and the variable capacitor (crystal osc frequency) should be mounted on the bottom of the pcb, the trace side, to allow adjustments to be made to the assembled frequency counter, these components are drawn in green on the layout plan.

Also I did not include the preamp as I am driving the counter with a ttl signal. I have made 2 frequency counters using this pcb and both work exellent.
