piclist.com was started by James Newton in the year 2000 to archive the valuable information shared on the PICLIST, a listserv
for people working with Microchip PIC microcontrollers. James is shutting down the site at the end of 2022. To prevent loss of all this valuable information,
he provided this snapshot of the site as of September 2022. Features that relied on server code (such as search) will not work (at least until I implement
it here). Thank you James for all your work on piclist.com!
- PICLIST - PICLIST home page with lots of PIC specific information
- PICLIST Email Archive - List archive sorted by date from 1993 to 2021.
- Search Email Archive - Since the Webinator license limits searches to 20,000 pages, searches are broken down into several year groups to meet the page limit.
- Search Entire Piclist Email Archive - This passes the query to a search of each database listed above and concatenates the result. The result is a whole bunch of HTML elements
strung together, but browsers seem to accpet it ok (such as Chrome).
- TECHREF - More general technical references including generic code
Also see the PICLIST on the Internet Archive here.